If you have the right passion and urge to do things that you enjoy doing, you will never feel it as your obligation. With genuine passion and interest, one can fully commit effort in making something worthwhile.

Whenever I am assigned a task or plan to do something, I never take it lightly. I work until I am satisfied with my own work. I learned it is fine to make mistakes. Through mistakes, we learn and strive for better next time. I always have my friends, colleagues, and team members who will help me fine-tune my work until it is ready to go out. I just need the right motivation, interests, passion and commitment to do something that is worth doing.

At the end of the day, I will be able to look back with a sense of satisfaction for committing time and effort to something I love doing.

Photograph: Photo taken by TTD at Merak in Trashigang (May 2018).