On 3 January 2019 evening, many expected heavy snow. Else, the next day would have been holiday. It was first snowfall of 2019. But that didn’t happen. It was only a light snow.
The next morning, I headed for a brief walk to see if I can capture anything in my frame. The sun was already high. The thin white sheets started giving way to early heat.
It was nice to capture more close-up pictures. Here are few selected pictures of 4 January 2019.
The grass blades were able to easily hold those light white flakes.
The white flakes beautifully glowed against the bright morning sunlight.
Nature teaches great lesson of interdependence.
Dry artemisia plants holds snow on branches.
Snow on bidens. It would only be few minutes before those white sheets disappear.
When wide scenes in the background had less snow, I narrowed to beautiful foregrounds which displayed combination of dry plants and fresh snow!
The blue-pine looked more beautiful and decorated than ever!
The beauty of photography is being able to freeze that very precious moment. The photo above shows crystal droplets from melting snow. No moment would be similar to the frozen moment.
As I returned home, I saw this beautiful combination of orange and white in my flower garden.
I shut down my DSLR camera with this picture. No matter how harsh the weather treated, few rose buds in my garden looked fresh and as promising as ever.
There is no end to learning. My inspiration and passion grow with appreciation for natural beauty.
It was naturally made without any artificial intervention!
By 360Bhutan|2019-02-09T15:45:39+00:00January 10th, 2019|Landscape, Nature|Comments Off on White winter morning
A creative and immersive photographer. A self-taught web designer and patient graphic designer.
Since he first saw digital photography, he never looked back. He may not own a good DSLR camera of his own. But he wouldn’t let any opportunity go when he get hold of good DSLR camera. So, is a passionate self-taught photographer learning everyday.
He passionately self-learned to be a graphic and publication designer. Similarly, he also designs websites, registers domain names and hosts websites. Among his friends, he is frequently inquired to resolve some computer-related problems.
Therefore, he loves exploring and learning. He is indeed very passionate in what he loves to do.